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MYC’s Busy June Full Council

The June 21st Full Council saw the penultimate meeting of the 2018-19 term and welcomed two guests to consult with our membership.

Jodie Miller from Medway Council consulted with us on their unhealthy relationships resources they are developing, linking well to our 2018 conference of which the report had influenced them.

Following this we welcome 4 representatives from NHS Children’s ED Department where members gave informed and sensible suggestions about ways to improve the area. Arina shared her concern of a lack of ‘tri-part’ transition periods for young people who are adults but are not legally adults, making the decision to be treated in a different age department more difficult.

We also discussed the waiting areas and realistic ways of making them more accessible to older young people.

Part of the condition of both guests attending our meeting was the completion of a ‘Consultation Document’ which we devised to provide a greater evidence based recording of decision makers engagement with us. To avoid the ‘tokenisation’ of young people where we can become a box ticking exercise, thus ensuring all of our time is used most effectively.

Finally we ended with a debate on whether the UK is doing enough to tackle climate change? The purpose being to feed into Esme’s article to be published on The Political Medway soon.

The final Full Council meeting of 2018-19 will take place on July 12th before the new cabinet will take over on the 22nd July. The Chair & Vice-Chair speeches can be viewed here:

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